Old Projects

50 Years - Life in Havana

I had the fortune of visiting Cuba during the 50th Year since Fidel Castro overthrew the US backed dictator, Fulgenico Batista.

As can be seen from these pictures, much of Havana is crumbling or in a very poor state due to the lack of money available.

50 Years by Jonathan Briggs | Make Your Own Book

Eco Town

As part of a project that I did whilst at Leicester College, I undertook a study of an area of land where a proposal for 15,000 houses where to be built.  This land is Co-Op owned farm land approximately the size of Hinckley and was put forward by the Co-Op as an Eco Town project,

When I first became aware of this project I couldn't believe that this project was being touted as and Eco Town, as the land that it was to be built was prime agricultural land that contributed more to the surrounding Ecosystem than any town possibly could.

To highlight what a disaster it would be to allow such a development to go ahead on such delightful countryside, I took landscape shots of the area to exemplify the beauty that would be lost.

This project acts almost as an aside to the Dead Space project.  The question is why build houses on this wonderful green belt site when there are areas within the city that can be developed.