21 February 2012

Prescott’s Pathfinder Project

One issue that did arise from the Great British Propery Scandal was the former Labour governments monumental cock up with regard to housing. The Pathfinder project, spearheaded by no one other than John Prescott, set about clearing out old housing areas of cities and replacing them with new.

This often involved moving people from these areas and moving them elsewhere.

However, with the crash in the economy, many of these projects never flourish and, for example in Liverpool's Toxteth area, streets of terrace housing currently sit empty.

The total sum spent on the Pathfinder project comes to £2.2billion, which could have been used retro fitting and upgrading these housing areas, rather than empting them out and boarding them up and tearing communities apart.

Prescott’s pointless housing policy - MoneyWeek

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